About Us

Pondok Pesantren Al-Ittihad Assalafiyah

Al-Ittihad Assalafiyah Islamic Boarding School is committed to becoming a center for superior Islamic education, integrating knowledge of the world and the afterlife in the formation of pious students with integrity and character. Founded in the midst of a society in need of spiritual enlightenment and education, our Islamic boarding school stands as a beacon of knowledge and morality.
To become a leading Islamic education center that produces a young generation who are knowledgeable, have noble character, and are ready to face the challenges of the times with integrity and concern for the surrounding community.
- Providing an educational curriculum that combines religious and general sciences so that students have a comprehensive and balanced understanding.
- Developing the potential of students through extracurricular activities such as arts, sports and social activities that foster concern for society.
- Instilling noble Islamic values in the daily lives of students so that they grow into individuals who are responsible and have integrity.
- Involving the surrounding community in Islamic boarding school programs to create positive synergy and sustainable development.
- Promote cooperation with donors and other related parties to support the sustainability and development of Islamic boarding schools.
- Improving the quality of education and learning to produce intelligent, critical and creative students.
- Developing adequate learning facilities to support a quality education process.
- Developing students with a holistic approach, paying attention to cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects.
- Organizing social programs that benefit the surrounding community.
- Attract the interest of donors and interested parties to invest in the development of education and community welfare.
Al-Ittihad Assalafiyah Islamic Boarding School invites you to be part of this noble mission. Let’s together invest in education, forming a young generation who is not only intellectually intelligent but also has a heart full of love and care.
Thank you for your support and trust in us. May Allah SWT always bless our every step.

وَاللّٰهُ يَدْعُوْٓ اِلٰى دَارِ السَّلٰمِ ۚوَيَهْدِيْ مَنْ يَّشَاۤءُ اِلٰى صِرَاطٍ مُّسْتَقِيْمٍ
And Allah calls (humans) to Darus-salam (heaven), and guides those whom He wills to the straight path (Islam).
QS. Yunus verse 25
Manager Profile

Ustadz Iip Ifrohudin Sudiro
Umi Neneng Yusriah
Board of Supervisors
Al Khawarizmi Riski, S.T
Rihadatul Aisy Rizka Assyifa, S.Sos
Enjum Jumhana, S.H
Board of Trustees
Febri Suryanto
IT Staff
Always Update

Al-Ittihad Assalafiyah Islamic Boarding School is committed to becoming a center for superior Islamic education, integrating knowledge of the world and the afterlife in the formation of pious students with integrity and character.